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粗来玩 《战天》重整旗鼓蓄势待发

Rough play the war days rallied poised

2015-06-13 18:27:18来源: 07073游戏网

在送走了雷阵雨后,北京迎来晴好天气,蓝天白云下的京城处处风光绮丽。在故宫北侧角楼对面,摄影爱好者们纷纷奔向筒子河边拍蓝天。当日,蓝天白云的美图在朋友圈里波澜壮阔地从清晨一直“晒”到夕阳西下。 雾...

in sent after thunderstorms, Beijing ushered in the sunny weather, blue sky and white clouds of Beijing everywhere and beautiful scenery. On the opposite side of the Imperial Palace watchtower, photography enthusiasts have to shoot blue cheese river. On the same day, the blue and white beauties in the circle of friends from the early morning surge high and sweep forward "sun" has been to Sundowners. Fog...