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骨传导技术再升级 韶音科技Bluez2S发布

Bone conduction technology upgrade released a Shao sound science and technology Bluez2S

2015-08-31 18:47:12来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】8月31日,AfterShokz(韶音)新品媒体沟通会在北京举行。在沟通会上,世界领先的骨传导耳机制造商韶音科技宣布,旗下最新的骨传导运动耳机AfterShokz Bluez 2...

[IT168 information] on August 31, aftershokz (Shao sound) of new media of communication will be held in Beijing. In communication, the world's leading bone conduction headset manufacturer Shao sound technology announced that its latest movement of bone conduction headset aftershokz BlueZ 2...