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Field wow6.2 Tana Ann jungle rare drop mounts of Raiders

2015-08-18 11:34:18来源: 电玩巴士

掉落坐骑: 塔纳安丛林掉落坐骑 三只坐骑有四个稀有共享掉落,且每个稀有一天只有一次拾取。 (也就是说你运气好,可以再同一个稀有拾取到两只不同的坐骑) 请注意:刷新点可能*不唯一*! ...

drop mounts: Jungle Tanaan drop mounts three mounts have four rare share dropped, and each a rare day only a pickup. (that is, you have good luck, you can pick up the same rare to two different mounts), please note: the point may not be the only!...