新关注 > 信息聚合 > 夜幕奇袭 炉石传说新娱乐爆牌贼卡组分享

夜幕奇袭 炉石传说新娱乐爆牌贼卡组分享

The night raid on the hearthstone legend new entertainment bust thief card group

2015-04-05 17:16:27来源: 4399

今天4399简木要为大家带来的是一套来自dizhu#5249的爆牌贼卡组。爆牌贼是属于娱乐兼黑科技性质的.希望能在大家辛苦冲炉石传说天梯的路上玩累了没劲了的时候,休闲模式撸2发调节一下~ 【卡组思...

4399 Jane wood to share today is for everyone to bring a set of dizhu#5249 from the bust thief card group. Bust thief is entertainment and black technology properties. In the hope of all the way hard punching hearthstone legend ladder play tired when boring, leisure patterns into 2 adjust ~ [card group...

标签: 炉石传说