新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颜值爆表!马队舍瓦维埃里斗帅 最萌是他(图)

颜值爆表!马队舍瓦维埃里斗帅 最萌是他(图)

Yan burst table values! He is the most handsome Sheva Vieri cavalry fighting (Figure)

2015-03-05 13:40:48来源: 新浪

三位资深帅哥在一起 新浪体育讯 马尔蒂尼、舍甫琴科和维埃里这三位老哥们曾一起在AC米兰战斗,退役之后三人也是关系密切,经常一起活动,这不三人有一起逛起了纽约。 维埃里晒出了三人的合影,写到,...

three senior guy Maldini, Shevchenko of sina sports dispatch and Vieri the three old man worked together at AC Milan battle, retired after the three people is also closely related, often together, this is not three people together to visit New York. Vieri sun out of the three people's photo, writes,...