新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆下半年事业单位公招527人


Chongqing, the second half of the public institutions to recruit 527 people

2015-08-06 11:29:16来源: 中工网

重庆晨报讯 记者 雍黎 昨日,市人力社保局发布消息,我市2015年下半年公开招(选)聘市属事业单位工作人员简章发布,此次共有94个事业单位面向社会公开招聘工作人员527名,其中,考试招聘239名、考...

Chongqing Morning News reporter Yong Li Yesterday, the City Human IESS announced that the city's public offering of the second half of 2015 (Option) municipal institutions employ staff pamphlets published, the total of 94 public institutions for the recruitment of staff 527 , of which, 239 recruitment examination, examination ...