新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宏碁推出首款曲面电竞屏幕XR系列


Acer launched the first curved screen XR series

2015-04-24 12:49:42来源: 中关村在线

宏碁推出首款曲面电竞屏幕-Acer XR341CKA,34吋搭配21:9宽屏幕,提供使用者在大屏幕上观看各式大型赛事活动或是游戏玩家进行线上游戏时,皆能有身临其境且舒适的立体视觉享受。XR系列曲面屏...

Acer launched its first -Acer XR341CKA gaming surface screen, 34 inch wide screen provides the user with the 21:9, on the big screen to watch all kinds of big events or game player online games can be personally on the scene, a stereo vision and comfort. XR series of screen surface...

标签: 电竞