新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数据显示哈登火力联盟第一 赛后盛赞两新人

数据显示哈登火力联盟第一 赛后盛赞两新人

Data display Haddon fire first in the league game has two new

2014-11-27 14:15:39来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 休斯敦时间11月26日晚,继上周对湖人失利之后,火箭在丰田中心迎来了主场的第三场连胜,总比分102-89战胜萨克拉门托国王。这场比赛哈登一共得分26分,外加8次助攻和7个篮板,这使他在本场的贡献总分达到43分。到目前为止,他是NBA每场助攻和自己得分总数最高的球员,场均41....

Sina Sina sports news Houston standard time on November 26th night, following last week after losing to the Lakers, rockets ushered in the third game winning streak home court in Toyota center, the total score 102-89 victory over the Sacramento kings. This game to harden a total score of 26 points, along with 8 assists and 7 rebounds, which he reached 43 points in this field contribution score. So far, he is NBA assists per game and score the highest total player, averaging 41....