新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛克王国上古战龙怎么超进化


Locke Kingdom of ancient war dragon how evolutionary answer: is VIP small rock can in the VIP square to receive a ancient war dragon Locke Kingdom of ancient war dragon how evolution

2015-08-19 19:41:19来源: 电玩巴士

问:洛克王国上古战龙怎么超进化 答: 已经是VIP的小洛克可以在VIP广场领取一只上古战龙,再充值一个月的VIP就可以获得龙之纹章,然后再固定场景内放入任意等级的上古战龙就可以进化成劫影龙皇...

asked, to recharge a month of VIP is can get the dragon emblem, and then fixed in the scene into an arbitrary level of ancient war dragon can evolve into robbing the shadow Dragon Emperor.