新关注 > 信息聚合 > 庄神18+19活塞开门红 替补20分老鹰主场失利

庄神18+19活塞开门红 替补20分老鹰主场失利

Zhuang God 18+19 piston opener substitute 20 points Eagle home defeat

2015-10-28 10:59:40来源: 新浪

庄神首战发神威 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月28日,NBA2015-16赛季揭幕,活塞在客场以106-94击败了老鹰。 活塞先发五虎上双,卡德维尔-波普得了21分,“庄神”安德烈-德拉蒙德18...

Zhuang God opener FA Shenwei sina sports news Beijing time on October 28, NBA2015-16 season opener, the piston on the road to a 106-94 beat the eagles. The starting five double card, 21 points scored Deweier - "pop, Zhuangshen" Andre - Drummond 18...