新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江杭州餐厨垃圾处置添利器


Zhejiang Hangzhou restaurant kitchen garbage disposal Tianziling Tim restaurant kitchen garbage disposal project in Hangzhou city

2015-04-09 11:41:20来源: 中国新闻网

浙江省杭州市天子岭餐厨垃圾处置项目今年12月将建成,每天可以处理200吨餐厨垃圾。 杭州市环境集团相关负责人说,餐厨垃圾生产线每天能把200吨从餐饮酒店收集来的餐厨垃圾,变成沼气,用于发电。其中...

weapon in Zhejiang province this year will be built by December, daily processing 200 tons of food waste. The Hangzhou environmental group relevant responsible person said, the production line of food waste per day to 200 tons from the hotel to collect food waste into biogas for power generation,. Among them...