新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄蜂当家中锋宣布留守 明夏自由市场添大鱼

黄蜂当家中锋宣布留守 明夏自由市场添大鱼

Wasp headed Center announced left behind next summer free market add fish

2015-06-14 15:39:18来源: 新浪

杰弗森将会在明年夏天再试水自由人市场 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月14日ESPN报道,夏洛特黄蜂当家球星艾尔-杰弗森通过自己的经纪人确认,他将不会利用球员选项跳出当前合同,如此一来,今年夏天的自由人市场上,就又少了一条“大鱼”。 杰夫-舒瓦茨长期以来一直担任杰弗森的经纪人,他刚刚向E...

Jefferson will in again next summer to test the water free market of sina sports news Beijing time on June 14, ESPN reported that the Charlotte Hornets headed star AI Er - Jefferson confirmed by his agent, he will not use player option to jump out of the current contract, thus, this summer the free market, less a "big fish". Geoff Schwartz has long served as Jefferson's agent, he had to E...