新关注 > 信息聚合 > 病人不再扎堆医院(聚焦·分级诊疗新解(上))


Patients no longer get together and hospital (focus - grading treatment solutions (on)

2015-07-31 03:54:25来源: 人民网

■社区接得住 以慢性病中的高血压、糖尿病为切入点,“松绑”与“激励”并行,医保对社区放开总额控制,实行按月核查拨付 福建厦门鼓浪屿面积不到2平方公里,风景优美,让人向往。但对于在岛上居住了7...

] community pick live with chronic diseases of hypertension, diabetes as starting point, "relaxed" and "incentive parallel, Medicare to the community release total control, implement monthly check Fu disbursement of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen area less than 2 square kilometers, beautiful scenery, let a person yearning. But to live on the island 7...