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贯彻全会精神继续走在前列 把绿水青山护得更美

Implement the spirit of the plenary session continue to walk in the forefront of the pillaging and protect more beautiful

2015-12-03 03:28:56来源: 浙江在线

11月27日,空中俯瞰武义县王宅镇上四堡水库,一泓碧水景色甚美。张建成摄 编者按:绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现,目前,我省正谋划实施新一轮“811”美丽浙江建设行动,力...

11 month 27, aerial Wuyi County Wang Zhai Zhen Si Bao reservoir, Yihong clear water scenery very beautiful. Zhang Jiancheng Photo Editor: green is a necessary condition for sustainable development and the people's pursuit of a better life is an important manifestation of the current, the province is planning to implement a new round of 811 beautiful Zhejiang building action, force...