新关注 > 信息聚合 > 程派名家张火丁9月赴美演出


Cheng School Masters Zhang Huoding to the United States in September to show

2015-04-29 03:32:55来源: 人民网

京华时报记者王俭摄 昨天,京剧程派名家张火丁赴美演出发布会在北京中国戏曲学院举行。张火丁将于9月2、3日在纽约林肯艺术中心上演《锁麟囊》《白蛇传》两出大戏。 发布会上,温文尔雅的张火丁依旧低...

JINGWAH Times reporter Wang Jian photo Beijing yesterday, Cheng School Masters Zhang Huoding performing in the United States Conference held at Academy of Chinese Traditional Opera in Beijing. Zhang Huoding will be in September 2, 3 in New York, the Lincoln Art Center staged "kylin bag" "White Snake" two drama. The press conference, Zhang Huoding is still low in refined and cultured...