新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如东“开路先锋”服务队参加“最美如东人”活动..


Rudong "trailbreaker" service team to participate in the "most beautiful 10, China's road network

2015-04-13 16:10:46来源: 中国公路网

4月10日上午,如东县第二届“最美如东人”评选暨“播种爱心、收获快乐”志愿行动启动仪式在该县规划展览馆南广场举行,如东公路站“开路先锋”志愿服务队与来自全县的18家省级文明单位共同参加了启动仪式。 ...

morning, Rudong County the second session of the "most beautiful such as Southeast" selection and the love sowing, harvest happiness "voluntary action launching ceremony was held in the County Planning Exhibition Hall South Plaza, highway Rudong station" trailbreaker "volunteer service team and from the county 18 provincial and civilized unit jointly attended the launching ceremony. ...