新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴晒之后身上的晒斑如何去掉


Exposure after the sunburn on the body, how to get rid of

2015-08-10 19:38:59来源: 和讯网

海滩日光浴、游泳、和无数其他户外活动占用了我们夏天很大一部分时间,虽然玩儿的开心,但是身体不可避免的会被晒黑,留下的难看晒斑你如何去掉? 柠檬汁 柠檬汁具有很好的剥脱死皮功效,能让你身上的晒斑印痕慢慢减淡,不过要是直接使用柠檬汁涂抹在晒后留印的地方,可能会给皮肤带来轻微的灼伤,所以...

sunbathing on the beach, swimming, and numerous other outdoor activities take up our summer a large part of the time, although play happy, but body inevitably will tan, leave ugly sunburn you how to get rid of? Good stripping bark effect of lemon juice, lemon juice, compared to let your body sunburn prints slowly Dodge, but if used directly lemon juice smear in the sun to stay in India where, possibly will cause minor burns to the skin, so...