新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竟然是它《斗仙2》女神最爱坐骑现身


Turned out to be it, "Dou Xian 2" goddess favorite horse appeared

2015-12-02 12:24:34来源: 新浪

3D自由PK网游《斗仙2》新服“缘定三生”正在火热预约中,还未参与预约的小伙伴们可要抓紧啦,预约礼包不等人呢! 今日《斗仙2》代言人安以轩最爱坐骑现身,各位仙友们不妨猜一猜,哪个萌物能获女神青睐...

3D PK free online games, "Dou Xian 2" new clothes "Susan Slade" are being fervent in the appointment, also did not participate in the appointment of small partners to seize!, appointment packs and tide wait for no man! Today, "Dou Xian 2" spokesperson ady favorite horse appeared, you Xianyou who might guess guess, which MOE matter can won the favor of the goddess.