新关注 > 信息聚合 > 葛天方回应与刘翔婚变传闻:感情一直很好!


Ge Tianfang responded with a Liu Xiang divorce rumors: have a good relationship!

2015-03-25 18:04:36来源: 华商网

刘翔与妻子葛天 3月25日,全民星探曝出刘翔葛天婚姻疑有危机,自去年9月两人结婚后,专注于训练的刘翔与妻子聚少离多,连情人节也是各过各的,两人5个月未见,疑似感情出现问题。3月10日,由葛天领衔...

Liu Xiang and his wife Ge Tian in March 25th, the national Scout exposed Liu Xiangge day marriage suspected crisis since last September, married two people, Liu Xiang and his wife, focus on training together from much less, even Valentine's day all over the, two people 5 months no, suspected emotional problems. March 10th, led by GE day...