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Choose own way adhere to the dream firm down Van Gogh competition review director Wang Xiaoming interview

2015-11-27 15:36:25来源: 新浪

选择自己的道路 坚持梦想坚定走下去 ——专访“追逐梵高”少儿绘画大赛国内评委负责人王晓明 “追逐梵高”少儿绘画大赛于今年7月拉开帷幕,比赛将持续一年时间,至2015年7月结束。“追逐梵高”少儿...

chasing the -- an interview with "chase Van Gogh painting competition for children of domestic judges responsible for Wang Xiaoming" chase Van Gogh painting competition for children in July of this year opened, the last time in a match will, to July 2015 end. "Chasing Van Gogh" children...