新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孙俪新剧戏服多达近80套 郑晓龙带头降30%片酬

孙俪新剧戏服多达近80套 郑晓龙带头降30%片酬

Sun Li drama costumes up to nearly 80 sets of Zheng Xiaolong lead down to 30% fee

2015-01-07 14:54:11来源: 中国新闻网

孙俪戏服多达近80套郑晓龙带头降30%片酬 《芈月传》目前在浙江横店紧张拍摄。剧组在横店启用了两个大的摄影棚花重金打造战国时期的宏伟场景,道具精雕细琢,服装多达上千套,光孙俪饰演的“芈月”一人的...

Sun Li play service up to nearly 80 sets of Zheng Xiaolong lead drop 30% fee of the biography of MI month currently in Zhejiang Hengdian filming the tense. Cast in Hengdian enabled two studio spent heavily to build the grand scene of the Warring States period, the props crafted, clothing up to 1000 sets, the light Sun Li plays Mi months a person...