新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内地生在港创业的故事


Mainland students

2015-04-10 04:52:35来源: 人民网

他们来自内地,都有着求学香港名校的经历;卖糯米饭、肉夹馍,搭建化妆、公寓预定的服务平台,他们不追求就职知名外企,而是选择了“自己当老板”的创业之路。 小老板也是精英 放弃内地名校到香港读书,...

people.com.cn in Hong Kong, they start from the mainland, are studying in Hongkong universities; sell Glutinous rice, hamburger, makeup, built apartment reservation service platform, they do not pursue his well-known foreign companies, but the choice of "being your own boss" of the entrepreneurial road. Small business owners also give up the mainland elite schools to study in Hongkong,...