新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冠军荣耀再现勇士主场 40年前夺冠功勋参加庆典

冠军荣耀再现勇士主场 40年前夺冠功勋参加庆典

Glory reproduction warriors home court 40 years ago won the meritorious service to participate in the celebration

2015-03-26 15:08:50来源: 搜狐

科尔 (搜狐体育何沐加州奥克兰前方报道) 北京时间3月24日, 在金州勇士对阵华盛顿奇才的比赛间隙,勇士队隆重邀请了1974-1975赛季取得NBA总冠军的球队球员,举办了夺冠40周年纪念活动。...

Cole mu California Oakland ahead report) March 24th Beijing time, the gap in the race Jinzhou warriors against the Washington Wizards, warriors solemnly invited 1974-1975 to obtain the NBA season championship team, held the title 40 anniversary activity. ...