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高校周边开春出现店铺出兑潮 商家称竞争激烈租金高

Colleges and universities around the spring tide of businesses that store out against fierce competition of high rent

2015-03-17 13:53:21来源: 人民网

据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,3月初,长春的各所高校也陆续开课了,而高校周边的店铺也成为了商家们眼红的“肥肉”,商机不可多得,各类创业者挤破了头在高校周边找店铺,然而,生意做起来才发现,实际情况未必如想象的那么好。 长春的各所高校也陆续开学了,沉寂了大半个冬天的校园再次热闹起来。但通过...

according to China sound "center wide news" report, in early 3, the universities in Changchun also one after another to begin, and colleges and universities around the shops have become businessmen jealous "fat", rare opportunities, entrepreneurs of all kinds squeeze the shop in the colleges and universities around the head, however, do business only to find, the actual situation are not such as imagination of so good. Changchun's universities also been opened, quiet for much of the Winter Campus lively again. But through the...