新关注 > 信息聚合 > 驻厄立特里亚大使邱学军会见厄特赴华留学归国学生


Mr. Qiu Xuejun met with Ambassador to Eritrea to China returned overseas students

2015-02-13 17:49:17来源: 大河网

2015年2月11日,驻厄立特里亚大使邱学军在使馆会见了厄立特里亚赴华留学归国学生威德。 威德是厄特财政部海关署官员,经推荐参加了2014年清华大学一年制“发展中国家公共管理硕士(IMPA)项目...

2015 February 11th, Ambassador to Eritrea embassy met with Qiu Xuejun in Eritrea to China returned student Weed. Mr. Weed is the Ministry of finance by the Customs Department officials, recommended to participate in the master of Tsinghua University in 2014 year "developing countries public management (IMPA) project...