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乐视贾跃亭:打造首个手机生态 启动全员持股计划

As Jia Yueting: to build the first mobile phone ecosystem start full stock ownership plan

2015-03-10 23:13:48来源: 新浪

“超级手机一战,只许胜,不许败,大家要拿出破釜沉舟的决绝勇气,打赢2015的最重要一战,这一战,也将决定乐视生态的成败。” 在近日乐视网(300104.SZ)内部的闭门战略沟通会上,乐视CEO贾跃亭如是说。 在这场闭门会议的演讲上,贾跃亭把2015年定位为乐视的“移动生态年”,其...

"super mobile phone battle, only a win, no failure, you should take out cut off all means of retreat to pull off the courage, to win the most important battle of 2015, this one battle, will determine the success or failure of our ecological." Recently the music network (300104.SZ) inside the closed door meeting strategic communication, as CEO Jia Yueting said. In this closed door meeting speech, Jia Yueting put the 2015 as the music as "mobile ecology", the...