新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河池市投入2000多万元在全区6市建成园博园


Hechi City investment more than 2000 million yuan in the region 6 city built Garden Expo

2015-07-27 19:18:30来源: 广西新闻网

河池网快讯(记者韦立标)今年6月19日,随着投资300万元的第六届广西园林园艺博览会河池园在梧州市园博园顺利开园,我市已投入2000多万元在柳州等6个城市建成园博园,迎接八方宾客常年参观。 据介...

Hechi network news (reporter Wei Libiao) June 19 this year, with the investment of 300 million yuan of the sixth session of the Guangxi Horticultural Exposition Garden Hechi Park in Wuzhou City Garden Expo Park opened smoothly, the city has been put into more than 2000 million yuan in Liuzhou and other six cities built Garden Expo to meet guests Happo annual visit. According to the media...