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航海王启航首抽英雄排行 首抽英雄哪个好

Sailing first ranking first pumping pumping Wang Qihang hero hero which good

2015-01-27 18:50:29来源: 4399

问:航海王启航首抽英雄排行,首抽英雄哪个好? 答:航海王启航中,玩家通过新手教程时,第一次钻石抽奖必定抽的烟鬼,即使跳过新手教程再来抽,第一次也是必定中烟鬼的。那么除去烟鬼,航海王启航中,第一次钻...

ask: Maritime Wang Qihang first ranking first pumping pumping hero, hero which good? Answer: the voyages of Wang Qihang, game player through the tutorial, the first diamond draw will smoke smoker, even skip tutorials again pumping, first is must in a heavy smoker. Then remove the smoker, voyages of Wang Qihang, the first drill...