新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王朔八年来首次开聊:是徐静蕾在帮我


Wang Shuo eight years for the first time open chat: Xu Jinglei is helping me

2015-02-08 21:12:22来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 近日,受徐静蕾的邀请,王朔8年来首次接受了一家媒体的专访,以下为采访原文: 编者按:受徐静蕾的邀请,王朔8年来首次接受了一家媒体的专访,采访分两次完成,一次3个小时,一次7个小时。话...

LOS ANGELES Recently, invited Xu Jinglei by Wang Shuo eight years for the first time accepted a media interview, the following is the original interview: Editor's note: invite Xu Jinglei by Wang Shuo eight years for the first time accepted a media interview, the interview completed in two , a 3 hours, 7 hours time. words...