新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年来宾市象州县公开招聘中小学教师面试公告


By 2015, Xiangzhou County, Laibin City, the open recruitment of teachers in primary and middle schools interview notice

2015-06-29 11:42:46来源: 中公教育网

广西教师招聘考试交流群:454653370 根据《来宾市2015年中小学教师公开招聘简章》的有关规定,现将我县2015年中小学教师公开招聘面试的有关事项公告如下: 一、面试人员名单 根据中小...

Guangxi teacher recruitment examination exchange group: 454653370 according to relevant provisions of the Laibin 2015 primary and secondary school teachers open recruitment rules ", now I County in 2015, primary and secondary school teachers in public bidding, hire interviews related matters notice as follows: one, the interview personnel list according to the small and medium-sized...