新关注 > 信息聚合 > 相声表演艺术家苏文茂逝世 曾教育徒弟不逞一时口快

相声表演艺术家苏文茂逝世 曾教育徒弟不逞一时口快

Comic performance artist Su Wenmao died once for a while

2015-05-04 04:07:44来源: 中国青年网


5 3 day at twelve twenty-three, the famous performing artist Su Wenmao due to lung disease in Tianjin 464 Air Force hospital died, at the age of 86. He is the comic master Chang Baokun's apprentice, "Wengen" kyo. He paper but not warm, implicit, known as "Wengen" masters, "the representative will" "Su group...