新关注 > 信息聚合 > 79元小米路由器青春版正式发布 仅掌心大小

79元小米路由器青春版正式发布 仅掌心大小

79 yuan millet router youth version officially released only palm size

2015-08-13 16:08:56来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】 今日下午,小米秋季新品发布会在北京国家会议中心如期举行。小米不仅正式发布全新的MIUI 7以及千元智能手机红米Note2,还在此次发布会上带来了全新的小米路由器青春版。 ...

[Yesky News Channel News] this afternoon, millet autumn new product release conference in Beijing National Convention Center as scheduled. Millet is not only officially released a new MIUI 7 and a thousand yuan smart phone red rice Note2, also brought a new version of the conference on millet millet router. ...