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尤文VS多特首发:莫拉特搭野兽 伊莫比莱战老东家

Juventus VS DORT Starters: morat take the beast immobile war old club

2015-02-25 04:48:11来源: 网易

网易体育2月25日报道: 北京时间2月25日凌晨3:45,欧冠1/8首回合比赛尤文图斯主场迎战多特蒙德。首发阵容方面尤文图斯排出了特维斯和莫拉塔双前锋,比达尔,博格巴,皮尔洛等大将悉数登场,力争在...

NetEase sports in February 25th reported: February 25th Beijing time 3:45 in the morning, the Champions League first leg match against Juventus and 1/8 Dortmund home court. The lineup aspect Juventus discharged Tevez and morata two strikers, Vidal, he, Pirlo will full debut, strive to be in...