新关注 > 信息聚合 > 锦州市政府召开党组(扩大)会议


Jinzhou Municipal Government held a party (enlarged) conference

2015-07-21 19:48:54来源: 辽宁省人民政府

20日上午,锦州市市长刘兴伟主持召开市政府党组(扩大)会议,集中传达学习省委书记李希在省委常委会听取各市开展“三严三实”专题教育工作汇报时重要讲话精神。 刘兴伟指出,传达学习李希书记的重要讲话精...

20 morning, Jinzhou City Mayor Liu Xingwei chaired the municipal Party committee (enlarged) meeting, concentrated convey Leahy of secretary of provincial Party committee in the provincial Party committee standing committee listened to the municipalities to carry out "strict three real special education work report important speech learning. Liu Xingwei pointed out that the important speech to convey learning Li Xi...