新关注 > 信息聚合 > 来宾公安民警与30村民结帮扶对子 帮修水利养家禽

来宾公安民警与30村民结帮扶对子 帮修水利养家禽

The guests of police and 30 villagers node pair of helping to help repair the water poultry

2015-03-07 19:06:40来源: 广西新闻网

领到农资的村民笑得很开心。广西新闻网通讯员莫崇贵 方荣玉 潘雪云供图 民警帮村民修水利。广西新闻网通讯员莫崇贵 方荣玉 潘雪云供图 民警与村干部和群众代表座谈交流。广西新闻网通讯员莫崇贵 方荣玉...

to agricultural villagers laughed. Guangxi news network reporter Mo Chonggui Fang Rongyu Pan Xueyun for the police to help the villagers to repair water conservancy. Guangxi news network reporter Mo Chonggui Fang Rongyu Pan Xueyun for the police and the village cadres and the masses to represent the exchange forum. Guangxi news network reporter Mo Chonggui Fang Rongyu...