新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝曼联给皇马下最后通牒:48小时内定小豌豆去留


Exposure Manchester United for Real Madrid an ultimatum: 48 hours Default Small pea fate

2015-04-29 11:00:43来源: 华体网

讯 北京时间4月29日,据英国《每日邮报》最新消息,曼联方面已经向皇马下达了最后的通牒:如果在未来的48小时之内(5月1日之前),皇马还没有决定是否买断埃尔南德斯,那么其他球队就可以开启对其的收购,...

news Beijing time on April 29, according to the British "Daily Mail" the latest news, Manchester United has to Real Madrid issued a final ultimatum: if in the next 48 hours within (May 1 day before), real Madrid has not decided whether to buy Hernandez, then the other team can open on the acquisition,...