新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特斯拉改良版充电桩将面世 4小时即可充满

特斯拉改良版充电桩将面世 4小时即可充满

Tesla modified version of the charging pile will be available 4 hours can be filled with

2015-03-14 11:06:28来源: 中国广播网

央广网北京3月14日消息(记者满朝旭)据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,媒体报道,特斯拉发布消息称:今年将大幅提升目的地充电桩的充电效率,4小时即可充满其产品。 特斯拉目前还在国内大规模的建充电桩,除...

CNR network Beijing on March 14th news (reporter Man Zhaoxu) according to the Chinese sound "center wide news" report, media reports, Tesla released a message to say: this year will greatly improve the efficiency of the destination charging pile, 4 hours can be filled with its products. Tesla currently still in the domestic large-scale construction of charging pile, in addition to...