新关注 > 信息聚合 > 娱圈顶级美颜盘点 曾志伟:林青霞后再无明星只有..

娱圈顶级美颜盘点 曾志伟:林青霞后再无明星只有..

Entertainment circle top beauty count Eric: Lin Qingxia after no star only..

2015-05-16 12:55:29来源: 新华报业网

范冰冰 娱乐圈中从来不乏美女,可是多美的女星才能算得上高辨识度的“顶级美颜”呢?让我们一起来看一看吧! 范冰冰是目前美人中状态最好的(上一代美人逐渐老去,新生代又没有出现能与其争锋的美人)范...

Fan Bingbing entertainment never lack of beauty, but beautiful actress can be considered a high degree of recognition of "top beauty"? Let's take a look.! Fan Bingbing is currently beauty in the best state (a generation of Americans gradually old, Cenozoic and did not appear and commander of beauty).