新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微信精品商城变身:新发现为京东微店铺路


Micro-channel boutique mall turned: the newly discovered micro-shop Jingdong Road

2014-05-05 21:08:50来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】亿邦动力网注意到,今天早上9点25分左右,微信精品商城下“精选”已完成切换,新版的“新发现”栏目正式上线。 “新发现”目前被安置在“我的银行卡-微信精品商城-顶栏最左侧”入口,与“品牌”“聚汇”相并列。 目前,“新发现”栏目每天提供20款商品,包括数码相机、智能手环、...

[billion state power Reuters billion state power network noted this morning, around 9:25, the next micro-channel boutique mall "selection" has complete the switch, the new version of the "new discovery" section formally launched. "The new discovery" is currently placed in the "my bank card - micro-channel boutique mall - the far left of the top bar" entry, and the "brand" and "Juhui" side by side. Currently, the "newly discovered" column offers 20 models of products every day, including digital cameras, smart phones ring, ...

标签: 京东