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医生江隆福:深化医改 加快取消门诊输液

Dr. Jiang Longfu: deepen reform to accelerate the cancel outpatient infusion

2015-02-04 07:56:46来源: 中国宁波网

前天,江隆福医生在查房。记者许天长摄 市人大代表江隆福是宁波市第二医院心内科的一名主任医师,从医已近30年。开处方时“惜药如金”,在病人眼中,他是一名“怪”医生。 去年底,市二院全面取消门诊...

yesterday, et al a doctor in the ward. Reporter Xu Tianchang perturbation city's Jiang Longfu is the Ningbo City Second Hospital Department of Cardiology a chief physician, the medical profession has been nearly 30 years. "Pity when prescribing drugs such as gold", in the patient's eyes, he is a "strange" the doctor. The end of last year, the city hospital full cancellation of outpatient service...