新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产厂商的逆袭 浅谈小米小蚁运动相机

国产厂商的逆袭 浅谈小米小蚁运动相机

Domestic manufacturers counterattack on Millet small ants moving camera [IT168]

2015-03-03 19:19:49来源: IT168

【IT168 评论】2015年3月2日早10点,小米官方联合京东以及天猫联合发售了小米旗下的最新产品小蚁运动相机,当天下午小米公司的工作人员就拿着最滚烫热辣的小蚁运动相机来到了IT168的北京总部进...

comments in early March 2, 2015 10 points, millet official United Jingdong and Tmall jointly released the latest products of small ants moving camera under the afternoon of millet, millet company staff took the boiling hot small ants moving camera to IT168 in Beijing headquarters in...