新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绅宝D60赛道起飞超级“小钢炮”9月21日上市


Saab D60 track off super "cannon" listed in September 21st

2014-09-10 07:47:02来源: 爱卡汽车网

据北京汽车内部消息透露,9月21日,源自北欧SAAB技术的绅宝品牌将迎来第三位家族成员--绅宝D60。 据了解,该车源于SAAB9-3平台,是绅宝家族中运动性能最为出众的A+级轿跑车型。绅宝D60不仅使用了高功率涡轮增压技术,还拥有同级最快的加速时间与最短的制动距离,是一款不折不扣的...

sources within the Beijing automobile said, September 21st, Europe SAAB technology Saab brand will usher in the third family members -- Saab D60. It is understood, the vehicles from the SAAB9-3 platform, is the most outstanding A+ level car movement Saab family performance models run. Saab D60 not only the use of a high power turbo technology, also has the fastest acceleration time and the shortest braking distance, is a section of hundred-percent...