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财政部发布检查公告 苹果被查在华少缴税4.52亿!

The Ministry of Finance issued announcement Apple pay 452000000 checked in china!

2015-09-13 15:37:31来源: TechWeb

9月 13 日消息,根据《新华社》的报道,截至 2013 年底,Apple Inc. 在中国的分公司,即苹果电脑贸易(上海)有限公司存在少计收入 87.99 亿元、少计成本费用 34.46 亿元、多...

9 13, according to the Xinhua News Agency reported that as of the end of 2013, Inc. Apple in China's branch, that is, Apple Computer Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has a small number of 8799000000 yuan, less than 3446000000 yuan cost, more...