新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9.30|3新盘领销许央妈送礼 楼市走上“银十”路

9.30|3新盘领销许央妈送礼 楼市走上“银十”路

9.303 XinPan collar pin Xu central Mother gifts market go on "silver ten" road

2015-09-30 22:31:02来源: 和讯网

南京楼市9月30日认购及成交情况 数据来源:网上房地产 365淘房 南京讯 从10.1开始就要进入七天国庆假期了,这可真是个喜大普奔的好消息!同时金九也将结束,南京楼市又将开启一段新的“银十之路...

Nanjing property market subscription on September 30 and transaction data sources: online real estate 365 Amoy room nanjing news from 10.1 began to enter the seven day National Day holiday, but this really is a big dipper hi Ben good information! At the same time Kim Gu will end, Nanjing property market will open a new way of silver ten...