新关注 > 信息聚合 > 渍水封堵东西湖吴家山第四中学大门 民警为中考考..

渍水封堵东西湖吴家山第四中学大门 民警为中考考..

Waterlogging plugging Dongxihu Wujiashan NO.4 middle school gate police for the exam test..

2015-06-22 07:48:35来源: 长江网

(武汉晚报)昨天是中考第二天,武汉下起暴雨,东西湖吴家山第四中学考点门前渍水严重,吴家山街派出所护考民警毛立栋带领协勤人员搭起临时“浮桥”供考生们通行。 昨天上午7点左右,吴家山街派出所民警毛立...

(the Wuhan Evening News) yesterday was the second day of the test, it began to rain in Wuhan, Dongxihu Wujiashan fourth middle school in front of the test center severe waterlogging and Wujiashan Street police station door admitted to police Mao Lidong lead Xieqin personnel erected temporary "pontoon" for candidates who pass. Yesterday morning at about 7, Wu Shan Street police station Mao li...