新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大众点评内部邮件:合作带来大格局


Public comment internal e-mail: cooperation pattern

2015-10-08 13:04:05来源: 新浪

大众点评CEO张涛在公司内部邮件中称,合作带来了全新的大格局,让我们可以投入更多的精力和资源,去创新产品,深化服务,加速新业务布局。(无双) 以下为大众点评CEO张涛今日在大众点评发送的内部邮件...

public comment on the CEO Zhang Tao in the company's internal e-mail said that cooperation has brought new pattern, so we can put more energy and resources, to product innovation, deepen the service, to accelerate the layout of the new business. (Warriors) following the public comment CEO Zhang Tao today in the public comment sent internal mail...