新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聂卫平之子亮相三国围棋擂台赛:棋圣儿子是棋士


The son of Nie Weiping debut three go challenge: grandmaster is the son of champion

2015-03-08 16:42:48来源: 中国新闻网

他是老聂口中最亲爱的“骢骢”,是推动中日围棋交流的友好使者。在第16届农心辛拉面杯三国围棋擂台赛上,小圆脸的孔令文,架着一副黑框眼镜,笑起来眼睛眯成一道缝,仿佛就是聂卫平棋圣年轻时候的样子。 聂卫平的儿子孔令文1981年9月生于北京,1992年,聂卫平和孔祥明分手后,11岁的孔令文跟...

he laonie mouth dear "Cong cong", is the messenger of friendship, promote exchanges in chess. In the sixteenth session of the agricultural heart Xin Hand-Pulled Noodle go Challenge Cup third round face, small Kong Lingwen, wearing a black frame glasses, laughing eyes narrowed a crack, it is like grandmaster Nie Weiping young. The son of Nie Weiping Kongling Wen in 1981 was born in Beijing in September, 1992, Nie Weiping and Kong Xiangming broke up, Kongling Wen of 11 years old with...