新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈登库里诠释不讲理超巨 追求高效齐引领新时代

哈登库里诠释不讲理超巨 追求高效齐引领新时代

Harden Currie interprets the unreasonable super giant pursues high efficiency together to lead a new era of

2015-04-10 08:10:37来源: 网易

在这批超级球星中,哈登和库里在打法上有很多相似之处,最明显的就是两人都几乎摒弃了最为低效的中投,强调攻击内线和投射三分,虽然哈登三分不如库里准,但依靠着出色的造罚球能力,两人的真实命中率非常接近。 ...

in this batch of super star, harden and curry has a lot of similarities in the play, is the two most obvious almost abandoned the most inefficient investment, emphasizing the attack inside and projection of three points, while harden three points as the library subject however, relying on the excellent ability of making free throws, two hit rate is very close to the real. ...