新关注 > 信息聚合 > 40岁吴彦祖手指撩牙 开始秃头发福走样男神不再

40岁吴彦祖手指撩牙 开始秃头发福走样男神不再

The 40 year old Daniel Wu finger Liao teeth start bald Fu aliasing male god no longer

2015-03-26 08:16:31来源: 中国青年网

吴彦祖男神不再 腾讯娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道,一向被不少女性视为理想男友模范的吴彦祖,自13年荣升父亲后,好男人形象受到高度评价,男神地位相当巩固! 虽然男人40一枝花,不过去年定居三藩市的吴彦祖,似乎保持不住好身材,除了轻微中年发福,更出现男人大忌——秃头! 上周四(19日)...

Daniel Wu male god no longer Tencent entertainment news according to Hongkong media reports, has always been women as ideal boyfriend model Daniel Wu, since 13 years after the birth father, good man image has been highly praised, the male gods position very consolidate! Although a man 40 a flower, but last year, settled in San Francisco City, Daniel Wu, seems to keep a good figure, except for slight middle-aged spread, more taboo -- bald man! Last Thursday (19 days)...