新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新广告法:虚假广告代言人3年之内不得再代言


The new advertising law: false advertising spokesman for 3 years may not re endorsement advertising

2015-04-25 09:36:46来源: 经济参考报

新修订的广告法将于9月1日正式实施,新广告法明确规定广告代言人不得为其未使用过的商品或未接受过的服务做推荐、证明,曾经为虚假广告代言的人,三年之内不得再为广告代言。 新修订的广告法将于9月1日正...

new amendments will be officially implemented in September 1st, the new advertising law advertising endorser shall not be recommended, proof for their unused goods or services received, once for false endorsements, three years may not be as endorsements. Advertising law will be revised in September 1st...